SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
TA code | A14.2.06.008 |
Entity ID number | THA:9446 |
Type of entity | Material entity |
Language |
TA98 Latin preferred term | nervi sacrales |
TA98 English equivalent | sacral nerves |
Properties |
![]() |
This entity has left and right instances. |
![]() |
This entity usually consists of multiple similar entities. |
Notes |
TA98 RAT note | A new entry was created so that the term nervi sacrales would not disappear from the terminology with the replacement of nervi sacrales et nervus coccygeus with A14.2.06.001 nervi sacrococcygei. |
TA98 Hierarchy |
A01.0.00.000 |
A14.0.00.000 |
A14.2.00.001 |
A14.2.02.001 |
A14.2.06.001 |
A14.2.06.008 |
nervi sacrales
Date: 29.01.2013 |